I was recently at #gwa2017, and the fabulous folks at Smart Pots introduced me to their fabulous cloth raised beds! I didn't have a ton of room in my suitcase, so I only came back with the Big Bag Bed Mini. It's the perfect size for a small herb garden or, as I'm doing, a small fall veggie garden on the back deck!
I can't think of an easier raised bed to set up. Some of the wooden kits are fairly simple stick together and go, but the Big Bag Bed you just unfold and fill!
I filled my bed with Daddy Pete's Potting Mix. Daddy Pete's is made locally, about 20 minutes from my house, and I've always had great luck with their products. I also took the opportunity to try out my new DeWit trowel. It worked fabulously, and I can't wait to try it in some tougher digging!
Once I filled the bed, I filled it up with lots of seeds I received from the National Garden Bureau. I'm super excited for all of the greens, carrots, radishes, and beets to start growing.
I chose to set up my new bed right on the back deck. It will get plenty of sun there, but it will also be easy to access from the kitchen and when it needs water. Sometimes we all get daunted by the work needed to keep our veggies growing when they are far out in the yard. Here on the back deck, it will be easily accessible, and the bed won't need to be weed eated around. I can't wait until everything starts growing. Check back in the fall to see how it looks!
If you try out one of these great raised beds, shoot me a message and let me know how it's working for you!
I'd like to thank Smart Pots, National Garden Bureau, and DeWit tools for all of the supplies!
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